Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) -- An "al-Qaida sympathizer" who plotted to bomb police and post offices in New York City as well as U.S. troops returning home has been arrested on numerous terrorism-related charges.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced at a news conference Sunday the arrest of Jose Pimentel of Manhattan, "a 27-year-old al-Qaida sympathizer" who the mayor said was motivated by terrorist propaganda and resentment of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said police had to move quickly to arrest Pimentel on Saturday because he was ready to carry out his plan.
I have been out of pocket @ meetings, a brunch, just got in from a dinner meeting re: a special project where NYC citizens are attempting to expose a corrupt non-profit. Doing faxes, and emailing into the night & must attend a memorial service Monday, & another afternoon mtg...will catch up in time...
WATCH: NBC NEWS: Terror Plot Uncovered In NYC
NY POST: Terror bomb plotter arrested in NYC
Pimentel's was the 14th terror attack thwarted by the NYPD since the 9/11 attacks, the mayor said, and justifies the city's counter-terrorism efforts.
Police burn protest tents to clear Cairo's Tahrir
VIDEO: 15 Reported Killed In Syria
Syrian troops stormed a central town and a northwestern region in search of regime opponents on Saturday, activists said, a day after the government agreed in principle to allow the Arab League to send observers to oversee a peace plan.
Libyan Government Says Qaddafi's Son Will Be Tried at Home
Assault on the Truth, Part 2: How the Muslim Brotherhood Censors Federal Counterterrorism Training
Super Committee about to be a super failure?

Dem Pollsters: Obama should abandon campaign, hand party reins to Hillary...
President Obama should abandon his run for a second term and turn over the reins of the Democratic Party to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, two one-time Democratic pollsters wrote in Monday's Wall Street Journal, which appeared online Sunday.

A frosty reception for First Lady Michelle Obama in Florida today as she makes the traditional "Gentlemen, start your engines!" call at the final NASCAR race of the season.

US foreign policy is indisputably linked to the September 11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people a decade ago, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul said Sunday.
WATCH: Newt Hits #

Issa: If Eric Holder is not ‘doomed,’ the Obama administration is
House oversight committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa told The Daily Caller that if Attorney General Eric Holder isn’t “doomed” because of his handling of Operation Fast and Furious, the entire Obama administration is.
“If the [Obama] administration continues to have full confidence in a failed administration by Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer, then ultimately the administration is going to be doomed,” Issa told TheDC during an interview in San Diego on Saturday. “Eric Holder seems to have the full confidence of the president, and I can’t understand why.”
Issa chairs the powerful House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, putting him in charge of the principle vehicle House Republicans use to investigate the Obama administration. The California Republican has developed a reputation inside the beltway as “Mr. Subpoena” — a bulldog investigator who forces results.
The complete list of members of Congress calling for Holder to resign
E-mail your rep & say get on board or get out next year:

Bookmark it...Here's your one-stop "megaphone" where you can E-Mail letters to your elected representatives, talk shows, the media, and even write letters to the editor. Tell them what you think!
Senate GOP Leaders To Holder: Your Kagan Testimony

Occupy Wall Street Offers Immigration Training for Undocumented Participants
Scary: Illinois Water Plant Hit with Cyberattack
It seems like something out of a "24" plotline, but in a frightening new security development, it seems an Illinois water plant came under cyberattack last week. Hackers have been able to infiltrate websites and steal information before, but this is the first known instance of a cyberattack that caused physical damage.
Federal officials confirmed that the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security were investigating damage to the water plant but cautioned against concluding that it was necessarily a cyber-attack before all the facts could be learned. “At this time there is no credible corroborated data that indicates a risk to critical infrastructure entities or a threat to public safety,” said DHS spokesman Peter Boogaard.
BREAKING: Obama-NLRB Rushing to Issue Ambush Elections Rules on Nov. 30
Lne Republican NLRB Member Brian Hayes shut out of process...
Futures Open Lower as US Debt Panel Eyed

Occupy Oakland Calls For Shutdown Of ALL West Coast Ports
Berkeley woman assaulted for NOT joining protest...
Paramedics called to Occupy Eugene for alleged heroin overdose
Paleeezzee we always have drug od's at TEA PARTIES...nothing new here, move along.
WATCH: Meet the Wall St. Businessmen Who Stood Up to the Protesters: ‘

VIDEO: Community Organizing Astroturf: Bank of America Takeover Choreographed By Rebranded ACORN Group ACCE
On November 16, in San Francisco there was an 'occupation' of Bank of America. As this video shows, it was orchestrated by ACCE -- a re branded ACORN front group. This proves how so much of the occupy protesters are being used as pawns by the organized, radical left. It also shows the actual practices of "community organizers" at work. Whenever President Obama is described romantically as a community organizer remember that this is the kind of "work" community organizers do.

WATCH: #Occupy Protesters Clueless That Masks Glorify Terrorist
Newsflash kiddos: The Guy Fawkes mask wasn't invented in "V for Vendetta."
These idiots know what it's the symbol of...hey, maybe I'll ask TEAPARTY365 to buy a truckload for our next NY rally....
VIDEO: Dem Rep Denies Child Abuse/Incest Charges; Former Head Of House Page Program
quote:Climate Cl
Kerry Pickett, WA Times: Rep. Dale Kildee, Michigan Democrat, will be responding to accusations on Monday that he sexually abused his second cousin decades ago. I spoke to Kildee on his way to the airport on Sunday and he denied the charges. The Washington Times affiliated radio program America's Morning News also discussed the charges with the 17 term Congressman who is retiring this year and who previously headed up the now defunct House Page program.

Like the rest of the climate crooks, Hansen appears to be on the warmal colding bandwagon for one reason and one reason alone: the Benjamins:
Hypocritical OWS protesters channel 1%: Stay at $700-a-night h

VIDEO: HAZMAT Called In To Remove 200lbs Of Feces Found Across From #

From the Mercury Times: "...the discovery of an estimated 200 pounds of human feces near the county Veterans Memorial Building, just across the Water Street bridge from the camp. The county called in a hazardous materials team to clean up the mess, and installed a security fence around the building, which is closed for renovations."
This is nothing in NYC they have to cart away about 5,000 lbs. from our rally sites.
Speaking of human garbage:
WATCH: Terror Suspect Arraigned In NYC
quote:‘Super Committee’ Fails to Reach Agreement, Obama Threatens to Veto Any Effort to Get Rid of $1.2T in Automatic Cuts
Authorities have arrested an alleged al-Qaida sympathizer on charges of plotting to bomb various New York City locations, including police and post offices, and targeting U.S. troops returning home from overseas.
Tues. memorial service & mtgs. only catching up now....
Republicans already planning to prevent

VIDEO: Obama To GOP: It’s Your Fault
Blame Grover: Dems point finger at Norquist for super committee failure


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