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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Another Round of MIDGET WRASSLIN'

Courtesy: www.someecards.com

VIDEO: Patriot Act, security prompt GOP sparring in CNN national security debate

Washington (CNN) -- The Republican candidates for president outlined their visions for fighting terrorism and keeping the country safe during a CNN debate Tuesday held just down the street from the White House they hope to occupy.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the latest GOP frontrunner in this volatile primary season, sparred with libertarian-leaning Texas Rep. Ron Paul over the Patriot Act as the debate opened, with Gingrich calling for an even more robust version of the law.

"I would look at strengthening it because the dangers that are posed are so great," Gingrich said.

Paul, who has been sharply critical of the law since it was signed into law by former President George W. Bush in October 2001, called the Patriot Act "unpatriotic" because it "undermines our liberty."

Early Neighbors' Thanksgiving Dinner & NCIS episodes kept me away from tonight's wrasslin...will have to catch up in rerun....

WATCH: Cain Muffs Wolf’s Name: ‘Blitz’
Hey MCCain no biggie...

VIDEO: Paul P t: ‘Cancel War On Drugs’
Reminder: Videos Best viewed FULL SCREEN

DC foreign policy debate: Mitt Romney promises first trip to Israel

WATCH: Bachmann: Newt [Blingrich] Soft On Immigration

VIDEO: Santorum: Profile Muslims

The Best and the Worst of the Foreign Policy Debate


A recap of the Republican debate on national security and foreign policy, as seen through its best and worst moments.

Analyzing the 2012 electi n


This article by John Halpin and Ruy Teixeira is the best analysis of the 2012 Presidential election I have yet seen.

Down with the Ship

Back from the SS National Review’s tour of the eastern Caribbean to find the WaPo’s Chris Cillizza making the same point I made on board ship to cruisers and fellow speakers alike: You may think Obama is eminently beatable, but unlike Mitt Romney, he has a solid base that is a dead-certain lock to be there for him next year:

Everyone knows that President Obama has a problem with his political base heading into 2012. Except that he doesn’t.

WATCH: Beck Talks New George Washington Book With Imus…and Why Obama Will Get Re-Elected
Don't listen to The Drugster..misleading his aging and declining audience, The Beckster is probably right...sad to say..

Demonstrators Plan to Occupy Retailers on Black Friday

Obama pal Rezko gets 10 years in jail...

Michael Bloomberg fuels presidential talk with attack on Barack Obama

Pelosi whines about Catholics having “this conscience thing”

Frank Rich: JFK’s assassination is kinda sorta the right’s fault, isn’t it?

How Did Tim Tebow Respond to Critic Telling Him to Tone Down Jesus Talk?

VIDEO: Did Rick Santorum Really Call Africa a ‘Country?’

Did Bachmann leak classified info about Pakistan’s nuke program last night?

Courtesy of www.someecards.com , issued prior to today's breaking news.
Sandusky family member made latest abuse accusation, attorney says


STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- The attorney for accused child molester Jerry Sandusky said Wednesday one of the newest alleged victims to levy abuse claims at the former Penn State assistant football coach is a member of the Sandusky family.

According to The Harrisburg Patriot-News, Joseph Amendola said the allegations from the latest victim stemmed from difficulties within the child's immediate family.

Amendola said the alleged abuse occurred some time before Sandusky was arrested earlier this month, but the victim did not come forward until after he was charged.

The Patriot-News did not reveal the child's relationship with Sandusky to shield the alleged victim's identity.

WATCH: Did Mitt Romney Really Screw Up Declaration of His Own First Name?

G P debate changed few minds

WATCH: Ron Paul Says He Would Not Aid Israel in Military Action Against Iran

Gold Toilet Owner Russell Simmons Wants to Relieve Our Suffering

The Communist Revolution, Unions, #OWS & ‘The Power of the 99% in 2012′…


Not that this should be surprising since Marxists have been behind and involved with in the #OccupyWallSt movement since Day One when the September protests began, but the Neo-Coms in the unionized #OWS movement are now getting more formal advice from their philosophical mentors, the Communist Party USA.

VIDEO: Krauthammer: Obama gave up ‘governance,’ now running ‘an Occupy Wall Street campaign’

WATCH: Workers At Defense Factory Party at Lunch

Workers at a Detroit defense factory have been caught on video allegedly drinking and smoking pot during their lunch breaks, then appearing to return to their jobs where they make parts for armored military vehicles.

CNN Poll: Blue collar Democrats' support for Obama drops

Survival Shop Reports Jump In Sales To People Preparing For “Possible Collapse”

Jobless claims rose last week; consumer spending weak in October

Rationing Advocate, Don Berwick, Steps Down as Medicare Administrator

B ehner, Cant r Failed to Sign Letter to Supercommittee Opposing Tax Increases


(CNSNews.com) – House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va,) were not among the 72 House Republicans who signed a letter to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction--the so-called “Supercommittee”--asking the committee not to call for increasing taxes.

In fact, in all, 170 House Republicans failed to sign the letter, raising the question of whether some House Republicans, including the House Republican leadership, are leaving open the option of supporting some kind of tax increase in cutting a final deficit deal with congressional Democrats and President Barack Obama.

To view the full list of House members who did sign the letter, click here. To view the letter itself, click here.

LISTEN: Limbaugh says he would welcome Michelle Obama to his show with song ‘Baby Got Back’

Limbaugh has taken heat in recent days for another swipe he took at the first lady, saying she was guilty of committing “uppity-ism” on his Monday program.

WATCH: ABC Elevates Left-Wing Hit, Charges ‘Limbaugh Hurls Racially-Charged Words at the First Lady’
Well take a right wing hit from a person of color..The Drugster does appear at xs a racist, has an aging audience, and is declining in audience share..there.
Truth spoken here...no water carrying for republicans, nor is there conservative icon worshipping here on the Blurbs...

Perry Video: Giving Thanks to Military, Veterans


Gov. Rick Perry released a video Wednesday, on the eve of Thanksgiving, praising the sacrifices of military veterans and active duty members who serve in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other areas of interest to the United States.

NOTE:Sorry,this is not your child-- or grandchild's WEEKLY READER: Adult biting commentary,comedy & satire is frequently used on this blog; and although hundreds view here daily--if this offends please look away. Meanwhile,please feel free to lift & forward BB's articles, put them on other sites; forward to your e-mail address books; & even to buttress up your debates on other blogs outside of Salem Communications, example you see an article here on Obamacare, Homosexuality, Israel,The Economy, Illegal Aliens, The 2012 ELECTION, #OCCUPATIONYOURTOWN put it up there ...especially too folks when using the citizen's alerts like actions against Obama Castro Care---by forwarding the links to your email address books,etc.---- it helps to make you---a highly respected "Community Organizer" too .Meanwhile enjoy BB, enjoy your holiday-weekend---& check back often/bookmark our new blog at: www.conservativenewsoftheday.blogspot.com /tell others.

Is Lib Pastor Jim Wallis Right to Say That Christians Should ‘Embrace’ the Occupy Movement?

VIDEO: Do They Hate The ‘99%’?: #OccupyWallStreet Movement Targets Black Friday


Will someone explain to these people that if companies suffer during the holiday shopping season it will just translate to higher unemployment for the lowest income workers?

Gingrich may have inside track on Palin’s endorsement

Some Soliders Up in Arms After Officials Remove Cross From U.S. Military Chapel in Afghanistan

Some U.S. servicemen are up in arms after a large cross was removed from outside a chapel on a military base in northern Afghanistan. The base, called Camp Marmal, is German and hosts NATO forces. The chapel in question is an interfaith house of worship that is overseen by the U.S. Army.

The Search for Marizela: A Thanksgiving note Share [By Michelle Malkin]

I’ve been taking time off this week and visiting with loved ones on the East Coast. Though it’s been a hellish year, we still have so much to be grateful for — and my column this week is dedicated to many of the wonderful people who have helped in the ongoing search for my missing cousin, Marizela. To all the readers, friends, and strangers who have shown their support: We cannot thank you enough. Blessings to you all.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea…

–Psalm 46: 1-2

Iran 'arrests 12 CIA spies' accused of targeting nuclear programme

An influential Iran parliamentarian has said that the country has arrested 12 agents of the American Central Intelligence Agency, the country’s official IRNA news agency reported.

Occupy protests cost nation's cities at least $13M
Breitbart Responsible for 60 Percent of Republican Successes in Politico Thanksgiving Roundup


Politico has published a Thanksgiving list for both Democrats and Republicans, naming five things for which each party should be thankful.

Congrats to the new media (Drudge,Hotair, The Breitbart sites) for presenting dynamic news that IS really bold & fresh...may be the reason Rush lost 33% of his aging audience...and Hannity 28%..keep up the great work new media!

FDU Poll: Fox News Makes You Stupid (Ignore Our Margin Of Error)
Alot of the same predictable, boring night after night makes me drousy...but stupid not really.

Mediaite: 'Reilly and Goldberg 'Two Cranky, Old Men Who Complain About Everything'..

How Much Does Uncle Sam Gobble up at Thanksgiving?

NBC Apologizes to Bachmann for Fallon Song Choice

Russian Newscaster Fired for Flipping Obama the Bird in Live Broadcast

VIDEO: 'Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone'

WACO, Ga. -- A west Georgia business owner is stirring up controversy with signs he posted on his company's trucks, for all to see as the trucks roll up and down roads, highways and interstates:

"New Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone."
*Updated* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far


***Updated 11/23/2011– Today we hit incident 333

Leaked: Company Guidelines for How Cops Can Access Your Private Online Accounts

WATCH: Brace Yourself for Al Sharpton’s New GOP-Bashing MSNBC Ad About…Blueberry Pie

Triple Bombings in South Iraq Kill 19, Injure 64

Best Buy Store Not Allowing Black Friday Shoppers To Pitch Tents

CAIR: Santorum would racially profile Jesus

Occupiers out Friday to interfere w/ your shopping....
These Are the 13 Best Sales on Black Friday

Because of the recent economic downturn and the subsequent hit on consumer’s wallets, several major retail chains are doing everything they can to entice customers to come into their stores on Black Friday.

“Experts expect holiday spending to be down so getting customers in stores may be crucial for retailers. Many have already announced that they’ll be going to extra lengths to lure customers into their stores and it looks like this year may be one of the highest volume Black Fridays in recent memory – 10 percent more people are expected to shop on Black Friday this year, according to a recent poll,” reports the Huffington Post.

Many retailers are going the extra mile for Black Friday sales, most notably Walmart, with some even starting their “door smashing sales” on Thanksgiving day itself.

Tea Party Activists Challenge 'Occupy Black Friday' With 'BUYcott Black Friday'

Check out my blog...all of you BLOG CHECKER OUTTERS: www.conservativenewsoftheday.blogspot.com



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