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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Filth Cleaned Out of #OCCUPYWALLSTREET

NYPD clears Occupy Wall Street compound, 70 arrested; Update: Judge issues restraining order reopening park; Update: Bloomberg keeping park closed until TRO is “clarified”

How big of a story has Occupy Wall Street become? ABC’s New York affiliate sent three reporters to Zuccotti Park on the ground and a fourth in the air for an eight-minute broadcast report on its end — or at least its temporary end. The owners of Zuccotti Park finally decided to clear the grounds for a long-delayed “cleaning,” which given the state of the protesters over the last couple of months, might take a good long while to complete:

The NYPD cleared Zuccotti Park of protesters early Tuesday, with at least 70 people arrested as the demonstrators were forced out of their longtime encampment in Lower Manhattan. However, they’ve been told they can return once the park has been cleaned.

According to Deputy Police Commissioner for Public Information Paul Browne, at least 70 people were taken into custody as the park was cleared.

The final group of protesters to be removed from the park, about a dozen people, was chained to each other and to trees.

Just came back from acupuncture for a cold..trying to adjust schedule friend passed & has funeral Wed., same day I have an appt. w/ a brand new specialist, have a meeting scheduled, etc..also nursing a cold, bear w/ me-as I attempt to catch up on the news.

Copy of TRO [PDF]

Bloomberg Attorneys Claim OWS Stockpiling Bombs

NY POST VIDEO: * Hundreds of cops boot Zuccotti mob * Arrests as ‘anarchists’ resist

VIDEO: Occupy Protesters Cut Through Fence on Church’s Lot — Cops Pour in & Make Arrests


Zuccotti's ring of steel: Riot police surround empty Occupy camp as New York judge decides if evicted protesters CAN return

*Protesters in stand-off with police after long-time Manhattan park is cleared
*Zuccotti is surrounded by barricades but protesters move to Foley Square
*Park cleared because it had become unsanitary and hazardous, say police
*Activists told they can return soon but without their tents and sleeping bags
*New York City councillor Ydanis Rodriguez allegedly hit on head by police
*Mayor Bloomberg says clear-out was overnight to reduce confrontation
*Judge issues temporary restraining order allowing them to return to park

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2061670/Occupy-Wall-Street-200-arrested-1-000-riot-police-clear-Zuccotti-Park-protesters.html#ixzz1doTZZfsn

WATCH: The Top 5 Videos From the Occupy Wall Street Eviction


Following the NYPD’s successful attempt at evicting Occupiers from their “homeland” at Zuccotti Park, a number of must-see videos have emerged.

These clips capture the chaos and confusion that unfolded once law enforcement officers arrived at the scene. We’ve compiled the five most interesting, entertaining and shocking moments to emerge thus far from the NYPD crackdown.

BB BREAKING: Major Victory For NYC Govt. Protesters Can Return to Park, No Tents, Sleeping Bags..Judge Declares City Operated Properly....

D E V E L O P I N G..4:45 PM

WATCH: #OWS Protester Gives Comically Dramatic Account Of Police Eviction


They were literally risking their lives for our h mes."

New Yorkers don't believe Occupy Wall Street represents the '99 percent'

VIDEO: Psychologist: ‘Mob Mentality’ At Play In #OccupyWallStreet

A mob mentality is at play in the Occupy Wall Street movement, said clinical psychologist Dr. Jeff Gardere. With no distinct leader, the various groups protesting at Zuccotti Park are following the lead of the crowd.

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Can't Return to Park With Tents: Judge

A judge has ruled that Occupy Wall Street protesters, who were cleared out of their Zuccotti Park encampment in a surprise overnight raid by police, cannot go back to the park with tents, tarps, generators and camping equipment.

The ruling by Judge Michael D. Stallman came hours after a different judge had granted a temporary restraining order halting the city from enforcing those equipment rules. The city, she wrote, could not enforce park rules that were published "after the occupation began."

But Stallman ruled later that protesters "have not demonstrated that they have a First Amendment right to remain in Zuccotti Park, along with their tents, structures, generators and other installations" that block public access to the park or limit the property owners abilities to maintain it.

The judge said the court is mindful of protesters' First Amendment rights, but added "even protected speech is not equally permissible in all places and at all times."

WS plans escalation in New York

LUNCH: Occupy The Subways - 3:00 p.m.

We will start by Occupying Our Blocks! Then throughout the five boroughs, we will gather at 16 central subway hubs and take our own stories to the trains, using the "People's Mic".

▪ Bronx
▪ Fordham Rd
▪ 3rd Ave, 138th Street
▪ 163rd and Southern Blvd
▪ 161st and River - Yankee Stadium
▪ Brooklyn
▪ Broadway Junction
▪ Borough Hall
▪ 301 Grove Street
▪ St Jose Patron Church,185 Suydam St, Bushwick
▪ Queens
▪ Jackson Heights/Roosevelt Ave.
▪ Jamaica Center/Parsons/Archer
▪ 92-10 Roosevelt Avenue, Jackson Heights
▪ Manhattan
▪ 125th St. A,B,C,D
▪ Union Sq. (Mass student strike)
▪ 23rd St and 8th Ave
▪ Staten Island
▪ St. George, Staten Island Ferry Terminal
▪ 479 Port Richmond Avenue, Port Richmond

I have business in NY all day & will be on the A & C lines, maybe others, although Cesar Chavez trained in non-violence..I'm not sure that I'll be Ghandi like if they intefere w/ my travel & commerce; one will be to see a brand new specialist...those that remember my physical actions against young leftist punks on May Day (a regular reader was there)..can rest assured it would not be beyond me to put someone's arm or leg in a cast....as someone that has prevailed in court defending Constitutional rights, including free speech..I support lawful gathering..but not the extremist tactics of these radical punks.
[Mike Check]
Punks use your brains...
Punks use your brains...
Don't mess with our trains...
Don't mess with our trains...

[This Is What Wednesday May Look Like] Former Marine Tosses Occupy Heckler From Congressman’s Swearing-in
Bravo! As regulars know I was a big Turner supporter to take the Weiner seat.

*Updated* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far

***Updated 11/15/2011– Today we hit incident 248

Occupy Los Angeles marches in solidarity for evicted Zuccotti park protesters

Updates on the Clearing of Zuccotti Park

Coming into focus?
Iowa poll shows four-way GOP tie for first place


It’s crowded at the top of the Republican field in Iowa: Four candidates are clustered close to one another, statistically tied for the lead in the first-in-the-nation caucus state.

Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich earned 20 percent, 19 percent, 18 percent, and 17 percent, respectively, in a Bloomberg poll released Tuesday.

It’s a changed field from August, when Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann took first place in the Ames Straw Poll and Texas Governor Rick Perry, who entered the race that same day, soared immediately to stratospheric poll numbers. Now, Bachmann is at 5 percent and Perry is at 7 percent. Rick Santorum, who has campaigned in every single one of Iowa’s 99 counties, is stuck at 3 percent.
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Cain has to ‘convince people he’s ready for the job’

Newt Gingrich is no conservative


Has it really come to this? Newt Gingrich as the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney? That's what many in the punditocracy have proclaimed as the former speaker of the House has surged recently in the polls.

Yet a look at his record reveals that Newt is hardly the "anti-Mitt" -- he's Mitt Romney with more baggage and bolder hand gestures.

Inevitable: Iowa Mailer Hits Newt [Blingrich] on Divorce

Charles Krauthammer Says Cain is in ‘Over His Head’ on Foreign Policy After Libya Flub
Helloooo republicRATS I've said it for months....weak field...dwarfs..... this Cain Brain Drain video is like a horrific car wreck..you can't but help keep looking & looking..&....

Chris Christie: Don't Underestimate Obama in 2012
W/this weak field 2012 will need all of our help yesterday, I put a cup on top of my fridge to begin my DEFEAT OBAMA 2012 FUND. Why not start yours today???

Four more years?????
Will Republicans Blow It?

 Perry calls for a part-time Congress, term-limited judges

What’s with Newt Gingrich and Freddie Mac?

WATCH: Cain’s Response To Challenge Over Libya Gaffe: ‘9-9-9′

Occupy Wall Street NYC LIVE

Gingrich Said to Be Paid at Least $1.6 Milli n by Freddie Mac

WATCH: Palin On Sandusky: ‘Hang Him From The Highest Tree And I’ll Bring The R pe’


“Hang him from the highest tree and I’ll bring the rope if he is guilty of what has been alleged.”

C-SPAN asks Supreme Court to allow cameras for healthcare case


Bullet Hit White House Window, Secret Service Confirms

WASHINGTON – The Secret Service has found a bullet that smashed a glass window at the White House before being stopped by special anti-ballistic glass shielding the building's interior, WRC-TV reported late Tuesday night.

It was discovered Tuesday morning, said a Secret Service official who added a second bullet was found outside the building.

The Secret Service has been investigating a shooting that occurred near the White House on Friday, but sources told the station they could not yet confirm that the newly discovered bullets are linked to that incident.

An AK-47-style rifle was recovered from an abandoned car Friday night after Secret Service officers heard shots being fired between two vehicles on Constitution Avenue, about half a mile from the White House, shortly after 9:00pm.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/11/16/bullet-hit-white-house-window-secret-service-confirms/?test=latestnews#ixzz1dr4sLefi
PROBABLY a white person, affiliated w/ the Tea Party...that has an in bred hatred of people of color....

Barack Obama's apartment in the White house was hit by at least one bullet that cracked a window, US Secret Service has said

Romney campaign refuses to clarify position on working with Iranian terrorist group

VIDEO: Occupier’s Chilling Threat: ‘You Going to See What a Molotov Cocktail Can Do to Macy’s’
Graphic language & terrorist threats...the left's cup of TEA.

Union Thug Leo Gerard Calls for a ‘Resistance’ Movement

Report: Obama Seeks to Circumvent Congress to Fix ‘Obamacare Glitch’
Reminder: Red highlight means Communist, radical, socialist, urgent, blood, abortion, BB bulletin....

VIDEO: AIM Video: Union Pays Occupy Protesters

VIDEO: Schweizer: Pelosi Made ‘A Couple Hundred Thousand Dollars’ Days After Purchasing VISA Stock


Peter Schweizer appeared on Fox & Friends to discuss how Congressman make large amounts of money in a very short amount of time.

Sign at a NYC TP @ our 24 hour Post Office [Courtesy: Joe Bly http://joebly.com/tea.htm ]
WATCH: Solyndra Tip Of Green Fraud Iceberg: Schweizer Exposes RFK Jr. And More Crony Capitalists With Obama DOE Ties

Fox News reports on the myriad of Obama cronies who benefited from "Green Technology" loans from the Dept. of Energy.

LISTEN/INGRAHM: : Schweizer: Feinstein B ught Biotech Stock Just Before Company Received $24 Million Grant

VIDEO: Schweizer: Jim Moran (D-VA) Made 90 Trades One Day After Private Congressional Economics Meeting

Bachmann took campaign money from Freddie Mac while she was ‘fighting’ them
Hmmmm...maybe Blingrich can pick Bachmann as VP...and Herman Cain as Defense Secty...and the nation will be soooooooo secure.

City braces for 'tens of thousands' of protesters set to march on Financial District
Wouldn't it be funny if I ran into the same little 3-4, w/ their mouthy leader who I had to garb hold of, to almost initiate a concrete shampoo because the leftist punks objected at a May Day rally, to my Palin button, & US border Patrol cap????? A reader was w/ me as we were searching at Foley Square for the anti-illegal alien contingent...I'd be so tempted if they/some of their types tried to hold up my train, etc. to finish the job....

How Bloomberg and Kelly’s aggressive crackdown at Zuccotti Park will backfire

[They Come In Peace] Zuccotti Park protester Nkrumah Tinsley arrested after threatening to burn down city

‘Avenue Jew,’ Brooklyn: Subway Sign Defaced in String of Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes

FBI Report: Majority of Anti-Faith Hate Crimes Are Anti-Jewish

Scott Walker Recall Effort Kicks Off With…Protesters Rallying Outside the Gov’s Home
Purple= Unions, BB announcements...
My bet is that they reach the high hurdle & get all of the signatures+.

VIDEO: In Gushing Defense Of Hire, Brian Williams C mpares Chelsea Clinton To Tim Russert

Newspaper Guild Endorses Occupy Movement's Thursday 'Day of Mass Action' at Its Home Page

Obama admin knew Obamacare abortion funding ban was a sham: released e-mails
Bookmark our new site & when over there subscribe or click on to get emails...you won't want to miss the religious and pro-life news that Limbaugh and Hannity are too busy to alert you to--you'll continue we promise to keep you up to date @: .... www.conservativenewsoftheday.blogspot.com

AUDIO/VIDEO: NH Town Hall Audience Asked To Prove Citizenship At Rick Perry Event
Nobody that reads the new blog will be asked for US papers...we can see that we have readers in Russia,the U.K., Ghana, the Netherlands and from all over...but we need more US readers..please bookmark & tell a friend....

Obama kisses Chavez in new Benetton ad

Oil Soars Past $100
Green highlight= Money, economy, global warming fraud, ecology...

Current & (?) Future Mayor
NY POST: Well played, Mr. Mayor


Zuccotti Park was looking spiffy yesterday afternoon — and for that, kudos to Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.

And, if we may be so immodest, to this newspaper, as well.

To Bloomberg, for taking the decision to fumigate the park.

To Kelly, for the flawless execution of the operation.
Atheist Group to Sponsor Anti-Christmas Billboards Featuring Jesus, Santa & Satan

‘Forced Unionization’: SEIU Collects Union Dues From Disabled Kids’ Medicaid Checks

SEIU Endorses Barack Obama, Steals #OWS Slogan, & Descends Into Banality

Activists attack Clinton convoy


The activists managed to stop the convoy and briefly turn it back before they were pushed back by policemen and troops of the Presidential Security Group.

OWS to hold “Day of Action” tomorrow. What could go wrong? Update: “That’s life,” says Maxine Waters about crime at “Occupy” camps

GOP House Will Vote on Balanced Budget Amendment That Permits Unlimited Federal Spending

WATCH: Leno Skewers Congress On Insider Trading


"You ever notice these guys only spend their money when it's a sure thing?"

VIDEO: BR KLYNS Have a Laff n Me: Newsbusted

VIDEO: BR KLYN Have a Laff n Me: Newsbusted

Check out my blog...all of you BLOG CHECKER OUTTERS: www.conservativenewsoftheday.blogspot.com


BROOKLYNSBLURBS ---contains biting commentary, satire & attempts at comedy-although hundreds of views are registered daily, and although we've had a record breaking number of views OVER A RECORD BREAKING MILLION HITS & growing--- if this offends please tune out; statements are the opinions of blogger's alone, not of Salem Communications,any ministry or this site. Language not always couched in PC terms.The situations presented are not just meant to compliment, or to criticize but meant to encourage your prayers.

BB directs you only to the main section of the story; not responsible if you click on to other links, or go further, & find anything offensive.

DUE TO LIMITED AMOUNT OF ARTICLES ON POST & DIFFICULTY FOR READERS TO SCROLL THROUGH SOMETIMES, THE POSTS HENCEFORTH WILL BE SHORTER..please keep that in mind & check 1-2 posts above the 1s you end up on for recent back stories.

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Pics public-&/or under Creative Commons/animated graphics mostly courtesy of www.artie.com .

BROOKLYNSBLURBS---The News Liberals Love To Hate!

~~~Keep checking BROOKLYNSBLURBS for a news compilation that you won't find the likes of anywhere else..the hot stories that'll have ya' talking all week long over the net, by phone, at home, at work---even before & after church; until of course Fritz shuts the site down officially~~~..

~~~~~ CITIZEN ACTION ~~~~~

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

~~~ [NEW] Send Faxes For Free: Fight Illegal Immigration~~~

~~~THE GRATITUDE CAMPAIGN: Show Our Troops Your Support ~~~

~~~ PETITION: Stop The WTC Mosque~~~

~~~ JOIN W/ME: On The Obamacare Class Action Law-suit ~~~

~~~NEW WEBSITE: Demand The Liberal Media Tell The Truth ~~~

~~~ Sign petition to pardon Border Patrol agent~~~

~~~ JOIN W/ ME: In Lawsuit Challenge to Illegal Immigration~~~


[For now Blogtowne readers please also keep your eyes on blogs by: MVIC, Aliosias & AdamsEve]

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that your mayor grew a pair. They should only allow them though during regular park hours not living the life of a bum 24/7
