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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Church Wars On OBAMA !

Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments
Donohue Says 70 Million Of His Voters Ready To Alter Presidential Election

Weaned on WRONG church teachings....

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Catholic leaders upped the ante Monday, threatening to challenge the Obama administration over a provision of the new health care law that would require all employers, including religious institutions, to pay for birth control.

As CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer reports, it could affect the presidential elections.

Catholic leaders are furious and determined to harness the voting power of the nation’s 70 million Catholic voters to stop a provision of President Barack Obama’s new heath car reform bill that will force Catholic schools, hospitals and charities to buy birth control pills, abortion-producing drugs and sterilization coverage for their employees.

“Never before, unprecedented in American history, for the federal government to line up against the Roman Catholic Church,” said Catholic League head Bill Donohue.


VIDEO: Church Leader On Beck TV: Contraception Mandate Will be Fought With ‘Lawsuits’ & ‘Maybe Even in the Streets’
Catholic or not, we need to be out in the streets if they go there.

Roman Catholic leaders criticise Barack Obama over healthcare

Roman Catholic leaders have furiously criticised President Barack Obama for approving new regulations that compel religious organisations to include morning-after pills and other contraceptives in employee health insurance coverage.

Military chaplains told not to read criticism of contraceptive mandate in Mass
As a donor to military chaplains and the uncle of Naval officers I object..sign the petition w/ me:

PETITION: Rescind the HHS Dept. Mandate Requiring Catholic Employers to Provide Contraceptives/Abortifacients to Their Employees
This is direct to the WH...please sign & pass it on....

Calif. court declares Prop 8 unconstitutional – Updates coming in

Susan G. Komen pro-life VP resigns after Planned Parenth od flap

Planned Parenthood makes $164 million per year from abortions...

WATCH: PA University Now Offering Students the Morning After Pill Through a…Vending Machine

Forget Snickers, Paydays and potato chips. At Shippensburg University in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, students will soon be able to get the so-called morning after pill (Plan B) through campus vending machines.

Former Tucson DEA head: Holder either knew of gun-walking, or was willfully unaware

Administration names official advocate for illegal immigrants

The Obama administration on Tuesday announced a new "public advocate" charged with listening to immigrants' concerns about its law enforcement policies — but Republicans said the position amounts to an official mouthpiece for illegal immigrants being deported.

Bernanke: ‘A Long Way to Go’ Before Full Jobs Recovery

Polls: Santorum poised for 'big day' in GOP contests

New polls show Rick Santorum poised for a "big day" in today's GOP presidential contests in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri.

A giant among midgets...Run Bobby, Bob or Brokered or Bust!
Bookmark our new blog; in the event this area shuts down...go there for the very latest ELECTION NEWS: www.conservativenewsoftheday.blogspot.com
US hostage freed from Somali pirates thanks rescuers

U.S. authorities looking into Murdoch foreign payments

WATCH: Occupy Pittsburgh ‘Spokesman’ Arrested for Failing to Register as a Sex Offender
See pic: haven't these Occupoopers ever heard of soap, shampoo and deodorant...and in this case FLEA POWDER

Big labor plans 'Occupy CPAC'

It's our Israeli friends that should worry...would Obama be behind them???
Israel should strike Iran now


“Whoever says later may find later is too late,” Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said last week. His words drove Western policymakers into a tizzy. Everyone wants to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, but not everyone is willing to do what it takes to bring that about.

Video: Prepare for Iran’s female ninja teams

It's Time for the U.S. to Back the Free Syria Army

WATCH: ‘Real News’ Panel Discusses Occupations in the Middle East & Potential Threat of Syria

State Department plays down warnings about Hamas-Fatah announcement

The State Department played down warnings Tuesday over the latest step toward a unity government between Palestinian groups Hamas and Fatah, saying "the fundamentals have not changed" despite claims that the deal imperils the already anemic peace process.

MARSHMALLOW SOFT: Barack Obama reacts as 14-year-old Joey Hudy of Phoenix, Arizona, launches a marshmallow from Hudy's "Extreme Marshmallow Cannon" during a tour of the White House Science Fair
Britain had to plead with US to take part in Iran flotilla

Britain was forced to plead with the US to take part in the flotilla challenging Iranian power in the Gulf after American commanders decided the Royal Navy had nothing to contribute to the mission.

BTW: Did Michelle know that Barry was playing w/ food????

THEY COME IN PEACE: #Occupiers Targeting Breitbart at CPAC, Threaten Physical Violence

“Speakers will be physically assaulted, not just verbally confronted,” the source told Scribe in an email. Two Occupiers, who the source also identified as members of the New Black Panther Party, “said they would be disappointed if they didn’t get arrested and planned to ‘make it count.’”

The source quoted another protester as saying, “Mitt [Romney] has Secret Service now, but [Newt] Gingrich and [Andrew] Breitbart don’t,” seemingly suggesting that the latter two would not be as heavily guarded.

Our TEA PARTY: Still not one arrest or act of violence in every town nation-wide...

Former Democrat Rep. Regrets Vote for Obamacare Due to Contraceptive Coverage

Media Pits Non-Existent Right to Free Birth Control Against First Amendment
BTW: Speaking of media as Salem shuts down sites just found out that BLOG TOWNE in addition to being on several Salem sites that we know about--- is also on www.whkwradio.com , welcome & good-bye WHKW
Our new blog www.conservativenewsoftheday.blogspot.com allows us to see who our audience is, & where they are coming from, here's a recent example:









United Kingdom


So, I guess that we should add WELCOME ALL NEW FRIENDS..BFF????

A Closer Look at the Jan. Jobless Numbers: Are They ‘Being Made Up?’

VIDEOS/AUDIO:NYC Honors Super Bowl Champion New York Giants With Ticker-Tape Parade


NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — With the Vince Lombardi trophy held high, MVP Eli Manning passed by thousands of cheering Giants fans eager to get a glimpse of a piece of Super Bowl history.

LISTEN: 1010 WINS’ Terry Sheridan reports

“It’s crazy, I lost my voice. I love my Giants baby,” said Matt Ryan of North Arlington, New Jersey.

“It’s unbelievable. To win a world championship in New York City, the greatest city in the world, with the world’s greatest fans, is unbelievable,” punter Steve Weatherford told CBS 2′s Don Dahler.

WATCH: Obama Campaign Suddenly Changes Tune on Super PACs

WATCH: They Come In Peace: #OccupyPortland Protests ‘Police Brutality’ By Brutalizing Property, Blocking Traffic

The Occupy Portland had a very active night Monday as they shut down streets, blocked traffic and vandalized storefronts. Organizers claimed the protests were a response to acts of "police brutality" at the hands of the Portland Police Department. There were several arrests.

POLL: Ron Paul moves into 2nd place...

Obummer or Bust????
OBUMMER: Obama Girl says she's not sure how she'll vote

Insurgency in America? Former Border Agent Details National Security Threats Spilling Into the U.S.

1 minute 19 second must-see pro-life video

SALEM'S TOWN HALL: Previewing the Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri Elections

...all polls will officially close tonight at 9:00 pm (EST).

BB uses Salem sites alot..that may decrease as Salem closes us down...

"In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."

-- by Martin Niemöller, prominent German anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor, best known as the author of the poem First they came....
WATCH: Author Eric Metaxas Compares Contraceptive Mandate to Germany’s Pre-Holocaust Policies

Obama Stomps On Constitution As Presidents Look On
LISTEN: Limbaugh: The Real Target of Obama Birth Control Mandate is the Constitution

VIDEO: Super Bowl Champs NY Giants Given Key To The City

Prosecutors press for tougher bail conditions after Sandusky is seen watching children in schoolyard

Al-Qaeda bid for Brit girl bombers: Extremist websites lure angels of death, MPs warn

Santorum takes turn at challenging Romney, with contests in Colorado, Minnesota

VIDEO: 3 things you need to know


With contests on tap Tuesday in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri, John Avlon has three surprising things you need to know.
BB BREAKING: @ 9:48 PM the AP Calls Missouri for Rick Santorum...

VIDEO: It’s Rick!


Rick Santorum won the Minnesota caucus Tuesday night raising serious questions over Newt Gingrich's claim as the "conservative alternative" to front-runner Mitt Romney. Santorum also won the largely symbolic Missouri caucus in that state's non-binding straw poll.

WATCH: Santorum running strong in early results


President - GOP Primary
February 07, 2012 - 09:52PM ET
Missouri - 1533 of 3134 Precincts Reporting - 49%
Name Party Votes Vote %
Santorum , Rick GOP 71,654 54%
Romney , Mitt GOP 33,339 25%
Paul , Ron GOP 15,831 12%
Uncommitted GOP 5,962 5%
Perry , Rick GOP 1,436 1%
Cain , Herman GOP 1,377 1%
Bachmann , Michele GOP 926 1%
Huntsman , Jon GOP 635 0%
Johnson , Gary GOP 318 0%
Meehan , Michael GOP 184 0%
Drummond , Keith GOP 95 0%

Read more:

BB ON OWN: Projects Barack Hussein Obama Will Take All 3 States Tonight!
Democratic candidate President Barack Obama is running uncontested in this race, and is expected to receive all delegates.

CNN Projects Rick Santorum To Take Minnesota @ 10:32 PM


President - GOP Caucus
February 07, 2012 - 10:35PM ET
Minnesota - 1425 of 4137 Precincts Reporting - 34%
Name Party Votes Vote %
Santorum , Rick GOP 8,207 46%
Paul , Ron GOP 4,747 26%
Romney , Mitt GOP 2,918 16%
Gingrich , Newt GOP 1,991 11%
Total Write-Ins GOP 54 0%

WATCH: Sant rum projected to win in Missouri, Minnesota

CNN Projects Ron Paul Places 2nd In Minn...

Rick Santorum Takes All Three Tonight....Per Colo. GOP Chair Rick Wins @ 1:03 AM

VIDEO: Santorum: Victory For Conservatives And Tea Party

VIDEO: Paul thanks supporters following Minnesota caucus

WATCH: Secret Service Apprehend Man At Romney Event

WATCH: Romney: GOP will stand united after primaries

Santorum's Stunning Sweep [Guy Benson,Political Editor,Townhall.com]


President - GOP Caucus
February 08, 2012 - 01:58AM ET
Colorado - 76 of 76 Precincts Reporting - 100%
Name Party Votes Vote %
Santorum , Rick GOP 26,372 40%
Romney , Mitt GOP 22,875 35%
Gingrich , Newt GOP 8,394 13%
Paul , Ron GOP 7,713 12%
Write-In GOP 56 0%
Perry , Rick GOP 52 0%
Huntsman , Jon GOP 46 0%
Bachmann , Michele GOP 27 0%

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/#ixzz1lltgp1aU


Made a couple donations today...please join w/ me
Bernanke Points to 'Increased Possibility of a Sudden Fiscal Crisis'


(CNSNews.com) – Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said that the current trajectory of the federal budget – marked by large annual deficits – was “clearly unsustainable” and that “serious economic consequences” could result.

More judicial activism from Ninth Circuit

A pro-family leader says Tuesday's decision by a panel of federal judges to invalidate California's voter-approved ban on same-sex "marriage" was an act of judicial tyranny -- and a legal group fighting for traditional marriage vows to appeal the decision all the way to the Supreme Court.

How to Win the Marriage Debate

'Media acting like press agents for Planned Parenthood'

A group focused on uncovering liberal bias in the media says the pro-abortion TV networks played a strategic role in pressuring the Susan G. Komen for the Cure to reverse course and keep funding Planned Parenthood.

CARTOON: Pop Quiz On The Constitution

LISTEN/WATCH: Audio: Rush Limbaugh parodies Clint Eastwood ad; Update: Reason TV parody added

Greatest Trailer Ever: OSOMBIE

"Bin Laden Will Die... AGAIN!"

Boehner Vows to Stop Obama Contraceptive Rule

Reid: Dem ‘caucus totally supports’ Obama’s fight against Catholic Church [VIDEO]

On Capitol Hill today: Union members testify against forced dues racket

Ron Paul’s Curious Position on Abortion in Cases of Rape

Libertarian Republican and presidential contender Ron Paul made headlines recently for an exchange with CNN’s Piers Morgan about how to handle rape pregnancies. Pro-aborts are scratching their heads wondering what “honest rape” means, while pro-lifers question just how pro-life the Texas Congressman really is:...

Are Church Confessions Safe? Court To Hear Arguments

GOP Lawmakers Protest Removal of ‘God’ From Air Force Unit’s Patch

CNN Suspends [Racist] Roland Martin Over Controversial ‘Gay’ Super Bowl Tweets

Occupooper Darling. What another US traitor to get a Peace Prize?????????????????
Super. Bradley Manning for the (wait for it…) Nobel Peace Prize
Ughhh..now shifting gears, let's do something nice for our real military heroes:


Write A Message

As Valentine’s Day quickly approaches, we at Generation Opportunity hope you will take a moment to write a message to the brave men and women who selflessly and honorably serve our country in the name of freedom. Use the form in the center of this webpage to write a message of support and thanks to a U.S. Veteran. On Valentine’s Day, we at Generation Opportunity will deliver these messages to veterans and reinforce the great amount of support and gratitude our servicemen and servicewomen so greatly deserve.


Navy SEAL Commander Advised to ‘Get the Hell Out of the Media’

Religious Clergy & Employees Involved in ‘Worship’ & ‘Proselytizing’ Cut Out of Fed Student Loan Forgiveness

TheDC’s Tucker Carlson takes on 9/11 ‘truthers’ [AUDIO]
Advisory: Unedited radio

REPORT: Gov't Dependency Shoots Up 23% Under Obama, Biggest Jump Since Carter...

Earth's Polar Ice Melting Less Than Thought

Video: FLOTUS vs. Fallon in pointless contest

Behind the numbers: Romney's Tuesday disaster

British Gov. Bans Christian Group From Advertising That God Can Heal Illnesses
Non-Theist Soldier Wants U.S. Army to Officially Recognize Humanism as a ‘Faith’ Group

Shocker for GOP on Rubio eligibility


Stunning number of Rep ublicans believe he's not a natural-born citizen

Oh my: Majorities of liberal Democrats now support drone strikes, keeping Gitmo open

Surveillance drones over U.S. get OK by Congress; 30,000 in the skies by 2020...

‘Clearly Failing’: Santorum, Paul, Bachmann React to Shocking GBTV Border Security Report

20% of Republicans leaning to Obama!
Colin Powell/Geraldo Rivera type republicans.

Sant rum estimates he’s raised half a million dollars just since yesterday morning

VIDEO: ‘Barry’s Pot And Coke Emporium’; Bolling Compares Obama SuperPac Flip To Drug Dealing


On Fox News' The Five, hosts Bob Beckel and Eric Bolling got into a strange back and forth debate using a particularity humorous drug analogy for Obama's latest hypocrisy on accepting SuperPac help in his upcoming 2012 re-election bid.
New Photos Reveal Stress Of Obama's First Term In Office Has Rapidly Aged Americans

WASHINGTON—Recent side-by-side photographic comparisons of Americans before and after he assumed the presidency have confirmed the stress of Barack Obama's time in the White House has taken a significant toll on the U.S. populace, dramatically accelerating the nation's signs of aging.

You should see mine; I look like Yoda

VIDEO: Elementary School Kids Indoctrinated About Obama’s Incredible Awesomeness


A tipster sends in this video from Cass Elementary School in Livonia, MI. The video purportedly shows a dramatic and inspirational movie montage tribute to President Barack Obama displayed to the assembled children as part of the school's Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration. Most of the school children appear to be less than inspired.
BBS VIDEO BLAST FROM THE PAST: School children sing praises to their savior Obama

Sing F r Change (Original)

BROOKLYNS Have a Laff On Me:

Jay Leno potato chip on E-Bay

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Kim Kardashian announced today she will never date another NFL player again. That's why the Patriots were crying on Sunday.

An appeals court ruled that California cannot ban same-sex marriage. Let me tell you something. If you want to respect the sanctity of marriage, ban Kardashian weddings.

Three people who were picking mushrooms in the Oregon forest were found after being missing for six days. They survived by eating their mushrooms. You know, I'm guessing that's how they got lost in the first place.

Jon Huntsman created jobs and was ambassador to China. Honest, kind, ethical. Good husband, good father. He never stood a chance in the primaries.


Fast food chain Jack in the Box has introduced a bacon milk shake. Yeah. This is all part of Jack in the Box's new “Die Happy Meal.”

The Obama administration has been slammed for a health insurance rule that forces Catholic organizations to provide contraception. Even more controversial, the church would also have to provide dim lighting, wine coolers, and an R. Kelly mix tape.

In an interview, Joan Rivers said she's had 739 surgical procedures. In fact, she started out as a man from Kenya.

Late Show with David Letterman

I like Mitt Romney. He looks like the guy on a package of underwear.

Romney is so confident that he's getting cocky. He's already putting the dog on the roof of his car.

To undo the negative publicity Mitt Romney received from tying his dog to the top of a car on a cross-country vacation, Mitt responded by tying the car to the top of his dog.

Newt Gingrich says that people who ride on subways here in New York are the elite. I was on the subway today and one of the elites sitting next to me was smoking crack.

Late Show Top Ten

Top Ten Secret Service Code Names You Don't Want

Italian Cruise Ship Captain
German Grandmother
Not My Problem

The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson

In Manhattan, the New York Giants had their own ticker tape parade. They don't use much ticker tape on Wall Street anymore. Stock brokers just toss government bailout money from the windows.

It's the birthday of Charles Dickens. If he were still alive, he'd be 200 years old today.

In Westminster Abbey, where Dickens is buried, the actor Ralph Fiennes read one of his novels to the crowd. Because who better to honor Charles Dickens than Voldemort?

Charles Dickens described Tiny Tim as "lame” because back then, being lame meant people pitied you. Today if you're lame, you get a talk show in the middle of the night.

Jimmy Kimmel Live!

When it rains here in Los Angeles, everyone freaks out. The roads are a mess, traffic is terrible. People start driving like Lindsay Lohan on a horse tranquilizer.

An estimated 1 million people showed up to celebrate and be part of the New York Giants victory parade. Didn't Clint Eastwood say we're supposed to get back to work?

Newt Gingrich didn't bother to campaign in Colorado, Missouri, and Minnesota. But he's vowed to stay in the race until the Republican convention. However, Newt doesn’t have a great track record as far as sticking to his vows go.

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

This is our first show back in New York after a week in Indianapolis. I think the “Hoosier Hospitality” really rubbed off on me. Today, I held the subway door open for like six rats that were trying to get in.

Because of large crowds at his campaign events, Mitt Romney will now receive protection from the Secret Service. Not to be outdone, Ron Paul will now receive protection from a mall cop on a Segway.

A recent study found that people lie more when they are texting. Yeah, especially that one lie: “Sorry, just got your text!”

Kodak recently filed for bankruptcy after 130 years in business. Yeah, I’d tell you more, but more on the story as it develops.

VIDEO: MORE BR KLYNS Have a Laff n Me: Newsbusted

Check out my blog...all of you BLOG CHECKER OUTTERS: www.conservativenewsoftheday.blogspot.com


Check out my blog...all of you BLOG CHECKER OUTTERS: www.conservativenewsoftheday.blogspot.com

BROOKLYNSBLURBS is tentatively scheduled to be the last member to turn off the lights on several SALEM websites on February 1st...

We thank you for your many years of loyal readership; and invite you to continue receiving the finest blend of political, national, international, religious, pro-life news, political cartoons [everything but the bloody crosswords];and ways for you to be an active on-line political activist...by following us over to our new blog....

BROOKLYNSBLURBS---The News Liberals Love To Hate!

~~~~~ CITIZEN ACTION ~~~~~

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

~~~ [NEW] Send Faxes For Free: Fight Illegal Immigration~~~

~~~THE GRATITUDE CAMPAIGN: Show Our Troops Your Support ~~~

~~~ PETITION: Stop The WTC Mosque~~~

~~~ JOIN W/ME: On The Obamacare Class Action Law-suit ~~~

~~~NEW WEBSITE: Demand The Liberal Media Tell The Truth ~~~

~~~ Petition to Fire Eric Holder!~~~

~~~ JOIN W/ ME: In Lawsuit Challenge to Illegal Immigration~~~



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