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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

House Rejects Tax Bill


House rejects two-month extension of payroll tax cut

WASHINGTON -- The US House of Representatives voted Tuesday to scuttle a deal brokered in the Senate to extend the payroll tax holiday and federal unemployment insurance for two months.

In rejecting the plan, the House voted 229-193 to dismiss the Senate bill and called on Senate leaders to start negotiating a new full-year package with the House.

"Middle-class Americans and working families need to know that their taxes won't be going up at any point next year," House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said on the House floor Tuesday.

Democrats criticized the House vote as procedural chicanery. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Republicans were coming up with "excuses" to avoid a direct vote on the two-month tax break.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/house_votes_committee_reject_senate_pAvzp52WvHnaNmnmtG9itO#ixzz1h7tjS06K

After House Vote on Payroll Tax Cut, Obama Demands GOP Give In

WASHINGTON – In a surprise visit to the White House briefing room to demand House Republicans compromise on a two-month payroll tax cut extension -- a demand that was promptly rejected -- President Obama said Tuesday that the Senate legislation "is the only viable way to prevent a tax hike on January 1st."

"It's the only one," Obama said shortly after the House voted to effectively reject a Senate measure to extend the payroll tax cut for two months.

WATCH: Boehner: ‘It’s Time For The President To Show Real Leadership’

VIDEO: Pel si On Payroll Tax Bill: ‘Remember Yogi Berra’

"Remember Yogi Berra. I don't like the food at that table and the servings are too small. [Republicans] don't like the tax cut and now they are claiming that it is too small."

VIDEO: Desperate: Dem Rep Brings Lump Of Coal To House Floor, Scolds Republicans Over Tax Bill

Cantor to Reid: Call the Senate back to address the payroll tax cut

Leadership: Obama Scolds House Republicans, ‘This Is Not A Game
Obummer mad because he's being kept from the real fun & games in Hawaii...

A $4 MILLION vacation: Separate flights, luxury hotels and plenty of golf... the price of Obama’s annual Hawaiian holiday soars

*Obama's Air Force One flight estimated at $3,271,611
*Total travel costs for Hawaii holiday are $3,629,622
*Housing comes to $151,200 and hotels at $72,216
*Hawaii Reporter estimates total cost at $4,113,038

New book “Everything bama Knows About the Econ my” is completely blank

Top ten: G vernment spending at its stupidest

Senate GOP to Obama: You better not make recess appointments to the NLRB

Santa could have a special treat in his bag for millions of people in the Northeast, just in time for Christmas

Hackers post cops’ personal data to avenge Occupy movement


Computer hackers are avenging the Occupy movement by exposing the personal information of police officers who evicted protesters and threatening family-values advocates who led a boycott of an American Muslim television show.

Romney, Gingrich tie at 30% in latest WaPo/ABC poll

Has the Republican primary fight become a two-man race, at least on a national level? A second national poll shows Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney tied, this time the WaPo/ABC poll, which shows them at 30% each:

Two weeks before Iowans cast the first votes of the 2012 election cycle, Republicans nationally are sharply divided over whom their party’s presidential nominee should be, with Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich locked in a dead-even race, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Online adultery dating site ‘endorses’ Newt Gingrich [VIDEO]
Hey what better POSTER BOY??????

Influential Iowa evangelical leaders endorse Sant rum

Report: Iowa evangelical leader asked Bachmann to drop out and endorse Santorum

G P unhappiness with field fuels buzz for Jeb Bush [by Byron York]

Sarah Palin: “It’s not too late for folks to jump in”
I have two Govs. in mind; but not her, & not one that would eat us out of (White) House & home....

Gary Johnson to announce Libertarian Party presidential bid

Americans who favor the legalization of marijuana and same-sex marriage, and also want a balanced federal budget and a more restrained foreign policy, now appear to have an alternative to the two major parties in 2012.

On Tuesday evening, Politico reported that former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson would end his GOP presidential bid and run for president instead as a Libertarian Party candidate.

The official announcement will reportedly be made in Santa Fe on Dec. 28. Neither The Daily Caller nor Politico was able to directly corroborate the news with Johnson.

‘You Know Something? You’re a F–king A–hole’: Iowa Man Confronts Gingrich 
[Please remember this is a temp holding space for use after BLOG TOWNE closes down; we'll make it more user friendly, & similar in style when Salem shuts us down over there...]

 Why is Ron Paul so appealing to younger voters?

Ann Coulter: I Would Prefer Ron Paul Over Newt Gingrich

The American Family Association has NOT endorsed Newt Gingrich.

VIDEO: Mitt Romney Delivers ‘Top Ten’ on Letterman: ‘Newt Gingrich? Really?

Michael Medved: Is a brokered convention just a fantasy? A splintered Republican field and new party rules mean it just might happen

New Hampshire voters should draft Hillary



We argued in a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed piece that President Barack Obama should stand down and let Secretary of State Hillary Clinton run as the Democratic presidential nominee in 2012.

We are now calling on Democratic voters nationally — particularly in New Hampshire — to organize a write-in campaign for Clinton. This is something that New Hampshire voters have a long history of doing.

We advocate this Draft Hillary movement not because of the desire to make political mischief — but to put the country on the right course.
WATCH: Bill Clinton: Why yes, the media did favor Obama over Hillary three years ago

See Kim J ng Il’s Body Displayed in an Extravagant Glass Coffin

VIDEO: ‘The View’ Takes On North Korea: US Should Get Out Of ‘Their Face,’ It’s Bush’s Fault

WATCH: [P]MSNBC’s R berts To NY Rep: Why Are You Protecting The 1%?


The question coming out of left field didn't faze the freshman congressman for a second. He responded that the question was "absurd" and continued to school Roberts on what his constituents asked him to do when they sent him to Washington.
President Obama Allegedly Sent This Congratulatory Letter to a Recently-Married Gay Couple

Administration to reduce Guard troops on the US-Mexico border by 75 percent

From: http://american-rattlesnake.org/
Occupy The Border

Sunday, as most of you who’ve followed the past few updates probably know by now, was the day when Occupy Wall Street demonstrators decided to link up with open borders advocates a few blocks from City Hall. Of course, a number of speakers invited to the event were themselves illegal aliens, including the young girl sporting a disfigured American flag fashioned into a graduation gown. She was entreated to deliver a ten minute-long speech which-if the consequences were not so grave-would have been jaw-droppingly hilarious.

CITIZEN ACTION: Join w/ me in federal lawsuit against illegal aliens, see bottom of post >>>

Federal Gov't Spending Millions in Storage Fees for 'Extra Steel' That Could Be Used to Extend SW Border Fence

Please Sign 1Lt. Michael Behenna's Petition for Clemency

Holder draws the race card and busts

50 Facts About The U.S. Economy That Will Shock You

Force of 20,000 in final salute to hero cop Figoski


He had been a cop for 22 years, but it was only after his death that Peter Figoski’s four daughters realized what that truly meant.

“We now feel connected to a side of our dad we rarely saw at home — he put us aside from his duties as a police officer and always put us first,’’ the grief-stricken girls said in a heartbreaking statement read at their father’s funeral yesterday.

“When a hero falls, an angel rises. Rest in peace, Daddy.’’
Help w/ his daughter's education see bottom of post >>>

New Politifact Lie of the Year: Republicans voted to kill Medicare

Anti-piracy bill creates fear about ‘aggressive’ Justice Dept. that ‘makes mistakes’

WATCH: Whoopi Goldberg: Communism Is 'a Great Concept' That 'Makes Perfect Sense' on Paper

Here's The Whoopi Gang That We All Know....And Know

Holiday retirement party: Ten people who need to go

C medy Legend Jackie Mason Slams Obama’s Hanukkah Party as a Fraudulent Photo Op

Defending the public celebration of Christmas


A conservative congressman is taking action to ensure that Christmas is safe in the public arena.

Congressman Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado), a member of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, has 30 co-sponsors for his H.R. 489, a resolution to respond to those around the country who want to steal Christmas from Christians.

The measure specifically points out that the House of Representatives recognizes the importance of the symbols and traditions of Christmas, strongly disapproves of attempts to ban references to Christmas, and expresses support for the use of these symbols and traditions by those who celebrate Christmas.
WATCH: Atheists Threaten Legal Action if Anti-God Sign Isn’t Posted Next to Michigan Nativity

VIDEO: Toys R Us To Stay Open 24/7 Through Christmas Eve

Pro-Life Billboard: Toys Will Have Fewer Kids This Christmas


A billboard a Canadian pro-life group has paid for has a Toy Story-themed messages that will surely resonate with area residents when it comes to the issue of abortion.

Using the message “Some toys will have fewer children to play with this year,” Niagra Region Right to Life’s billboard focuses on Christmas from a toy soldier’s perspective — who won’t have any children to play with him this year because they have become victims of abortion.

WATCH: UNICEF Smears Santa As ne Percenter’

Their tagline: "Santa doesn't do poor countries. But we do."

VIDEOS: ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ (the Obama Version) & Other Presidential Christmas Parodies

VIDEO: World’s Largest Menorah Lit

Happy Hanukah to Our Jewish Friends
Hanukkah 2011: Miracles Past and Present

The word Hanukah means “rededication “and celebrates Jewish heroes who rededicated themselves to faith and principles in spite of a wicked king and faithless coreligionists who worshipped Hellenist idols.
WSJ warns House Republicans of “fiasco” on payroll tax holiday stand


Reminding House Republicans of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s pledge that his main objective in 2011-2 is to keep Barack Obama from winning re-election, the Wall Street Journal wonders, er, what the hell the House GOP sees as its main objective. Having turned the payroll tax holiday extension into a “fiasco” is bad enough the WSJ says, but making it a pointless fiasco feeds the notion that Obama is the only adult in the room:

The GOP leaders have somehow managed the remarkable feat of being blamed for opposing a one-year extension of a tax holiday that they are surely going to pass. This is no easy double play.

Republicans have also achieved the small miracle of letting Mr. bama position himself as an election-year tax cutter, although he’s spent most of his Presidency promoting tax increases and he would hit the economy with one of the largest tax increases ever in 2013. This should be impossible.

G P Adjourns House as Dems Move to Call Up Senate Tax Cut Bill

Washington Can Even Screw Up Christmas

VIDEO: Merry ___ and Happy ___ from Rep. Scott Rigell

Defense rests at military hearing for WikiLeaks suspect Pfc. Bradley Manning

VIDEO: Former Dem Gov. Doug Wilder To Obama: Take Biden Off The Ticket

"The question is not if Joe Biden will make a gaffe... but is he the person that you want in place?

Hold up Gov...D nnie Trump & The Birthers want Crazy Uncle Joe as President....

WATCH: Peaceful: Occupy Protester Rushes Stage During Newt Speech

Yes, actually…Ron Paul IS responsible for those newsletters…

WATCH: Ron Paul 1991: Nothing Changed Under Reagan, ‘No Difference’ Between Parties

In this clip Dr. Paul praises Eastern Europe for their "total rejection" of centralized planning and praises the Soviet Union because "they reject central planning." He also says that there aren't any differences between the two parties and claims that we never saw "significant change" under Ronald Reagan.
Sabato: Don't Rule Out Late GOP Candidate
Bobby! Bobby! Bobby! (Louisiana)
or Bob! Bob! Bob! (Va.)

Abortion Gang: donate $10 to pro-abort group every time Tebow scores touchdown
Folks, sooner or later this section will be closed..so, bookmark our new location for the pro-life & religious news that you'll almost never, ever get on Drudge, Fox and most conservative outlets: www.conservativenewsoftheday.blogspot.com

Bringing light to darkness: Pro-lifers Christmas carol at Chicago abortion clinics

I wa: Romney 25% Paul 20% Gingrich 17%

Obama calls Boehner, Reid amid tax cut standoff [Gets off phone, then goes shopping]

WEAK: Ex-President Carter sends c ndolences to Kim Jong-un

Gingrich is as unelectable as he is delusi nal

WATCH: Listen to Steny Hoyer Shout at John Boehner House Floor Over Payroll Tax Cut Extension

VIDEO: Ron Paul Yanks Mic During CNN Interview After Reporter Presses Newsletter Questions

Baby Born With Two Heads Named ‘Emanoel’ and ‘Jesus’

VIDEO: In This Obamanation: Gay Couple Gets First Kiss at Navy Homecoming...

VIDEO: Man shoots at mouse, hits roommate; another roommate arrested for rape

Utah Man Wins $380K Lamborghini…and Crashes It H urs Later

See the Nail-Biting Video of a Man Tight-Rope Walking Over a 3,000 Foot High Canyon

Video: This Christmas, give the gift of boring everyone around you by talking about how awesome Obama is
Take a break for some jokes...unlike Mattie Drudge we're not always so serious roun hurr..so bookmark our new blog for when the time comes for the powers that be go all serious & close our little BLOG TOWNE down:

BROOKLYNS Have a Laff On Me:

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Well, folks, it's that time of the year when the jolly man with the big belly stops by for his once-a-year visit. That's right, Charles Barkley on the show tonight, ladies and gentlemen!

Hanukkah celebrates the miracle when a few drops of oil kept a lamp burning for eight days. Doesn't that sound like some kind of product made by the ShamWow people?

A survey released today found that men spend twice as much on their mistresses for Christmas as they do on their wives. On the other hand, men spend half their income on the wives when the wife finds out about the mistress. So it all balances out.

As they do every year, al-Qaida has threatened to disrupt and ruin Christmas. You know, we already have a group that disrupts and ruins Christmas every year. They're called relatives.


I found out my secret Santa was Kim Jong Il. Three days in a row I got sunglasses, then nothing.

It's been reported that Kim Jong Il’s son has been chosen as the new leader of North Korea, over his two older brothers. That's right. They completely passed over Tito and Jermaine.

Mitt Romney’s wife says her husband loves caffeine free Diet Coke. Or as it's known in the Mormon community, the ultimate gateway drug.

There was a big Internet rumor that Jon Bon Jovi was dead. That, of course, would mean that the band would be taken over by Kim Jong Jovi.

Late Show with David Letterman

I went to buy my Christmas tree the other day for $200. And I'm not stupid. The guy says to me, "Would you like the three-year warranty?”

Kim Jong Il made his staff call him "dear" and spent the day drinking cognac. It's like I have a twin, ladies and gentlemen.

The family is saying now that in lieu of flowers for Kim Jong Il, they encourage you to send enriched uranium.

Late Show Top Ten

Top Ten Items On Kim Jong Un's To Do List

Hit LensCrafters and check out the selection of giant dictator glasses
Fix leaky water torture pipe in dungeon
Promote his new regime on "The Wendy Williams Show"
Light palace Menorah for the first day of Hanukkah
Take a vacation at his ranch in Crawford, Texas
Floss more (It's on everyone's to-do list, but we never get around to it, do we folks?)
Do some freestyle picking
Watch monkeys riding dogs
Buy a zoo with Matt Damon
Obligatory meeting with Donald Trump

The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson

It is of course the first day of Hanukkah. So happy Hanukkah to our Jewish viewer.

I love all the holidays. Especially the one you celebrate in your region, with your ethnic group.

I grew up in Scotland in the 1970s. There was not much money. The most popular Christmas toy was probably a potato.

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg apparently went hunting, killed a bison, nicknamed it “Billy,” then mounted its head on a wall. Yeah, then Zuckerberg was like, “Anyone else want to complain about the new Facebook Timeline?”

According to a new survey, the most annoying word of 2011 was “whatever.” Which is why I always go with the much less annoying option: “Whatevsies.”

In honor of Christmas, a town in the U.K. held a reindeer race on Friday night. And of course, it happened to be right when my Grandma was crossing the street.

I heard that the Kardashian family just released a special 3-D Christmas card. And this is nice — the card even plays Kim’s favorite Christmas song: “The 12 Days of Marriage.”

VIDEO: More BR KLYNS Have a Laff n Me: Newsbusted

Watch this.... You will definitely share this

VIDEO: Cantor Invites Obama To Negotiations: "He Could Bring His Dog"

Boehner invites, too; Obama declines...

Breaking: Deal near on payroll tax cut extension?


Have Republicans and Democrats — or more precisely, Republicans and Republicans — resolved the standoff over the payroll tax cut extension? Nothing is breaking on the news websites as of yet, but political reporters are all, er, atwitter over leaks that a face-saving resolution might have been reached. The deal would have the House GOP agreeing to a 60-day extension, but the Senate agreeing to go to a conference committee after the break to resolve the differences between the House one-year extension and the Senate bill.

Ed Henry of Fox News has been tweeting about the rumors:

President basically told Boehner, if you pass two-month extension Democrats will move forward on talks over one-year deal …

BB BREAKING: McConnell calls on House to pass short-term payroll tax extension

Self-C nscious Republicans Panic Over Payroll Tax Spat

The could of been mayor w/ wife, a Hillary aide...
Former Congressman Anthony Weiner's wife gives birth to baby boy

After a year filled with ridicule and scandal, disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner finally has something he can feel proud about — a new baby boy.

Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, gave birth to the wee Democrat yesterday, 10 days before the New Year’s Eve due date, The Post has learned. Jordan Zain Weiner checked in at 7 lbs. 5.8 oz, a source said.

Weiner emailed friends yesterday announcing the arrival of their "sparkling wonder".

Occupy vs. Homeless Shelter (Share the Christmas Wealth) *VIDEO*

VIDEO: Flashback: David Ogden Announces New Efforts With Project Gunrunner "As Directed By the President"

Lieberman launches Senate probe of Fast and Furious

You know what this means, don’t you? Joe Lieberman must either be racist or a right-wing ideologue:

AZ sheriff: DOJ attack on Arpaio an attempt to distract from Fast and Furious

Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, Ariz., said that Attorney General Eric Holder’s recent attacks on his colleague, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., were an attempt to take public attention off of Operation Fast and Furious.

“The fact [that the Department of Justice] chose today to release their findings was only done to take the attention away from themselves,” Babeu said in a press release, according to Sonoran News. “Today marks the one year anniversary since the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.”

Holder’s DOJ announced on December 15 that it “had reasonable cause to believe” Arpaio’s office was discriminating against Latinos.

CITIZEN ACTION: See petition on link at bottom to help bring Eric Holder to JUSTICE>>>

Iraq: Leaving Too Soon?

McCain: Iraq 'Unraveling' Under Obama Withdrawal


President Barack Obama’s decision to pull American troops out of Iraq “unraveled” on Thursday when a coordinated bombing campaign killed at least 63 people and injured nearly 200 more, Sen. John McCain charged.

U.S. jumps to top of charity index

VIDEO:Ex-lesbian: Obama destroying traditional families

Uses 'influence,' 'financial power of government' to promote homosexuality

VIDEO: [RINO Elephant] Christie says it would be 'presumptuous' to rule out being G P Veep nominee in 2012

Judge Blocks Portions of S.C. Immigration Law

'Occupy' Using Drones To Spy On Police, Capture Video

VIDEO: Ron Paul 1995: ‘I Put Out A Political Newsletter’ For Education

VIDEO: Housing Market W rse Off Than Estimated

White House using fake numbers in payroll tax fight

This Christmas, Parents Rent Out Kids to be Beggars

Speak you dippsy mutt..speak!
Did Bo Return From Hawaii for Obama’s Photo Op?


Bo Obama was supposed to be in Hawaii. Instead, he showed up at President Obama’s side Wednesday shopping for treats at PetSmart

According to Michelle Obama’s press office, the first dog was planning to go to Hawaii with the first lady and the Obama daughters. The Chicago Sun-Times reported that he in fact had gone there. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser quoted an eyewitness who said he had seen the Portuguese Water Dog having his walk.

So what is Bo doing back in Washington shopping at PetSmart?
Watch as wayward teens meet hardened prisoners at The Bar Hotel....as a former juvenile delinquent, inmate and supervisor at the nation's largest program for street kids it gets 5 stars *****

Check out my blog...all of you BLOG CHECKER OUTTERS: www.conservativenewsoftheday.blogspot.com

BROOKLYNSBLURBS ---contains biting commentary, satire & attempts at comedy-although hundreds of views are registered daily, and although we've had a record breaking number of views OVER A RECORD BREAKING MILLION HITS & growing--- if this offends please tune out; statements are the opinions of blogger's alone, not of Salem Communications,any ministry or this site. Language not always couched in PC terms.The situations presented are not just meant to compliment, or to criticize but meant to encourage your prayers.

BB directs you only to the main section of the story; not responsible if you click on to other links, or go further, & find anything offensive.

DUE TO LIMITED AMOUNT OF ARTICLES ON POST & DIFFICULTY FOR READERS TO SCROLL THROUGH SOMETIMES, THE POSTS HENCEFORTH WILL BE SHORTER..please keep that in mind & check 1-2 posts above the 1s you end up on for recent back stories.

The blog is frequently updated so keep checking back..it's the news the way you like it & w/out the DRUDGE-RY of other net presenters.
Pics public-&/or under Creative Commons/animated graphics mostly courtesy of www.artie.com .

BROOKLYNSBLURBS---The News Liberals Love To Hate!

~~~Keep checking BROOKLYNSBLURBS for a news compilation that you won't find the likes of anywhere else..the hot stories that'll have ya' talking all week-end long over the net, by phone, at home, at work---even before & after church; until of course Fritz shuts the site down officially~~~..

~~~~~ CITIZEN ACTION ~~~~~

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

~~~ [NEW] Send Faxes For Free: Fight Illegal Immigration~~~

~~~THE GRATITUDE CAMPAIGN: Show Our Troops Your Support ~~~

~~~ PETITION: Stop The WTC Mosque~~~

~~~ JOIN W/ME: On The Obamacare Class Action Law-suit ~~~

~~~NEW WEBSITE: Demand The Liberal Media Tell The Truth ~~~

PETITION: Bring Eric Holder to justice!

~~~ Sign petition to pardon Border Patrol agent~~~

~~~ JOIN W/ ME: In Lawsuit Challenge to Illegal Immigration~~~


[For now Blogtowne readers please also keep your eyes on blogs by: MVIC, Aliosias & AdamsEve] 

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