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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Early Egypt Results: Islamist Mandate

Early Results in Egypt Show a Mandate for Islamists

CAIRO — Islamists claimed a decisive victory on Wednesday as early election results put them on track to win a dominant majority in Egypt’s first Parliament since the ouster of Hosni Mubarak, the most significant step yet in the religious movement’s rise since the start of the Arab Spring.

The party formed by the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s mainstream Islamist group, appeared to have taken about 40 percent of the vote, as expected. But a big surprise was the strong showing of ultraconservative Islamists, called Salafis, many of whom see most popular entertainment as sinful and reject women’s participation in voting or public life.

Analysts in the state-run news media said early returns indicated that Salafi groups could take as much as a quarter of the vote, giving the two groups of Islamists combined control of nearly 65 percent of the parliamentary seats.


Great news: Both Islamists and fanatic Islamists overperforming so far in Egyptian election

Egyptian Candidate Concludes 60% of Jews Are Evil While Cleric Says Muslims Can’t Vote for Non-Muslims

Arab Elections: An Islamist Wave?

Is a green wave of Islamism soon to cover the whole of North Africa?

In Tunisia, the Islamist an-Nahda (Revival) Party is in talks to head a coalition government. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, campaigning as “The Freedom and Justice Party,” may win a plurality in this week’s voting. In Morocco, America’s staunchest North African ally since the ’60s, election results announced yesterday give the Islamist Justice and Development Party (PJD) the right to head a coalition government.

Yet talk of the “triumph of Islam” may be premature.

The Islamist parties entered the elections with their flags in their pockets, so to speak: They removed all reference to Islam or religion from their names and platforms. Even Egypt’s radical Salafists contested the election as the Nour (Light) Party.

A Must-Read Essay By Israeli Physicist Haim Harari on the Arab Spring and Barack Obama’s Incoherent Policy

‘Holy War’: Muslim Mother Names Her 13-Pound Baby ‘Jihad’

Ground Zero mosque man holds off boot bid

The developer of a controversial community center and mosque near Ground Zero can continue getting by on a wing and a prayer — for now.

A Manhattan judge has temporarily short-circuited Con Ed’s bid to boot Sharif el-Gamal from the site due to the $1.7 million he owes in back rent, but said he’ll have to pay through the nose to stay.

VIDEO: "Don't Be A Grinch": Obama Advises GOP To "Redeem Themselves" & Pass His Jobs Bill

Senator: ‘No Christmas for Congress’ unless unemployment benefits are extended [VIDEO]

WATCH: Brutal new Ron Paul ad: You people can’t seriously be thinking of nominating Gingrich

VIDEO: Bret Baier: Romney complained after our interview that my questions were “uncalled for”

VIDEO: Beck to O’Reilly: G P Race is ‘Battle of the Big Government Republicans’

WATCH: Cain: The Democrats might be trying to take me down because I’m their worst nightmare and they’d rather face Gingrich

Video from a Ron Paul supporter: Romney and Gingrich are “flip” and “flop”

Huckabee predicts ‘blood on the floor’ going into Iowa [AUDIO]

How Cain destroyed his campaign

Who’s The Most Conservative of Them All?


Newt Gingrich would embarrass the Republican party.

Evangelical leader urges Gingrich to explain 'turbulent marital history'

Iowa Evangelicals at Loss in Search for Candidate

Without Mike Huckabee in the presidential race, evangelical Christian voters in Iowa are still searching for a candidate to embrace just five weeks before the caucuses.
Green Gingrich? Newt contradicts self on 'climate change'


Calls global warming ad 'mistake,' but see what else politician peddled

Evangelist Billy Graham Admitted to North Carolina Hospital

Cain says he's yet to face wife over accusation

Republican presidential contender Herman Cain says he hasn't yet faced his wife and family to discuss a new accusation of sexual misconduct.

*Live Stream* Senate Committee On Insider Trading And Congressional Accountability


The Senate is holding a hearing today based on the research of Breitbart editor and author of "Throw Them All Out" Peter Schweizer. Schweizer appeared on "60 Minutes" to discuss how it is perfectly legal for Congressmen to use industry insider knowledge gathered from congressional committees and use that knowledge to profit in the stock market.

The hearing is scheduled to start at 2:30 ET.

Tens of Millions of Smartphones Come With Spyware Preinstalled, Security Analyst Says

Weekly Jobless Claims Jump Back Over 400,000 Mark

Report: Feds probing Bill Richardson about alleged payoff to mistress

VIDEO: Obama Confuses England And Great Britain

The President has come under fire after referring to the "English" instead of the British Embassy in his condemnation of the violence that broke out at the building in Iran yesterday. A frenzied mob of militant Iranian students ransacked the main embassy in Tehran and a smaller diplomatic compound in the city.

Cleanup of ccupy L.A. site going pretty much as you’d expect

BIDEN ON IRAQ: 'We're not claiming victory'...

Kennedy dynasty’s new hope

Joe III refuses to rule out run for Barney’s seat

Kentucky Church Bans Interracial Couples From Becoming Members & Leading Worship


A small Kentucky church finds itself at the epicenter of a battle over racism and the gospel. Gulnare Freewill Baptist Church, a small, 40-person congregation located in Pike County, Kentucky, is catching widespread grief over its recent decision to target interracial couples. The church has decided to forbid these couples from partaking in worship activities and will not allow them to become members.

As someone that was in an interracial marriage I find this disturbing...but, for a church...disgusting!

Muslim Brotherhood Takes Elections by Storm

Judges overseeing the vote count in Egypt's parliamentary elections say Islamist parties have won a majority of the contested seats in the first round. The judges spoke on condition of anonymity because official results are expected to be released later Thursday.

They say the Muslim Brotherhood could take 45 percent of the seats up for grabs. The liberal Egyptian bloc coalition and the ultra-fundamentalist Nour party are competing for second place.

Together, Islamist parties are expected to control a majority of parliamentary seats by March. This week's vote was the first of six stages of parliamentary elections that will last until then.

Muslim Brotherhood bends rules and expects to win big in Egypt

We know who lost Egypt

Al Qaeda Leader Zawahiri Says He Has American Hostage

School Turns Away Boy With HIV


Boy's family sues school saying they discriminated against him because he has HIV

Obama announcing new steps to combat AIDS

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is renewing the U.S. commitment to ending HIV and AIDS on Thursday, setting goals for getting more people access to life-saving AIDS drugs and boosting spending on treatment of the virus in the U.S. by $50 million dollars.

Senior Obama administration officials said the president will set a goal of getting antiretroviral drugs to 2 million more people around the world by the end of 2013. In addition, the U.S. will aim to get the drugs to 1.5 million HIV-positive pregnant women to prevent them from passing the virus to their children.

Obama will announce the new initiatives at an event in Washington marking World AIDS Day. Former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton will also speak at the event via satellite.
November unemployment rate down to 8.6%, 120K jobs added; More Updates

GM willing to buy back Volts

House panel votes to subpoena Corzine

Senate fails to pass payroll tax break extension


The Senate rejected two different plans for extending the payroll tax holiday for another year, and it mostly went along party lines. At the bottom of it all was the usual discussion we’ve been seeing on every spending issue for some time now: whether to pay for it and how to do so if they would.

The Senate late Thursday rejected competing partisan visions for extending a temporary tax break that benefits virtually every American worker, clearing the way for more serious negotiations over how to cover the cost of the tax cut.

All but a handful of Democrats voted in favor of their party’s proposal, but in a surprising turn, more Republicans voted against the GOP plan than in favor of it. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) predicted this week that a majority of his conference would vote for the party’s plan to extend the payroll tax cut.

The vote suggests that rank-and-file Republicans remain divided on the merits of keeping the tax cut, leaving their party vulnerable to criticism from Democrats that they would raise taxes on the middle class as Americans are struggling economically.

Cain [Finally] Meeting With Family to Decide Campaign's Fate

The future of Herman Cain's once-meteoric candidacy is riding on a string of meetings over the next few days, as the Republican candidate sits down with his family with the goal of deciding by Monday whether the infidelity allegations against him are enough to shut down his campaign.

The businessman-turned-candidate told Fox News that while he's spoken with his wife Gloria every day this week, he'll be at home Friday "so we can sit down and talk face to face."

After a woman came forward claiming a 13-year extramarital affair with Cain, the candidate has insisted his family is his No. 1 consideration as he weighs whether to scratch his campaign altogether.

I find it extremely strange that he waited this long to get home; when I was married I would of been on the next flight. He needs to get out, unqualified.

Baptist leader to Gingrich: Request forgiveness for infidelity, or lose evangelical women

Evangelical leader Richard Land, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, drafted an open letter to presidential candidate Newt Gingrich warning the newly minted front-runner that he will lose the support of evangelicals — specifically evangelical women — if he does not come out and address his history of infidelity.

WATCH: Sarah Palin lavishes praise on Rick Sant rum
The best one on that stage full of dwarfs...but no chance.

Pastors charged after telling 'gays' about sin

Now facing bench trial in court run by lesbian

Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military

Planned Parenth od Marks World AIDS Day, Told STD Man to Give Blood
Wow! They are doing such fannntassstic work w/ our tax $$$$$. I am so, so very happy that the Weeper of the House, Cantor & McCarthy continue to fund them...let's kick these RINOS out 2012!

Texas donors move away from [Little Ricky] Perry
Regulars know that I was begging for Perry to get into the race. Now I have three major reasons that I am walking away...number one-those terrible debate performances...two, he's not well prepared..and three...three..let me see...three..hmmmmm....I can't rembember that one...ooopppss.

Surprised? The NLRB Votes To Approve Ambush Elections & Deny Due Process

Committee continuing investigation of Jackson Jr.

What the New Unemployment Numbers Are Telling Us

AUDIO: George Will: Wisdom isn’t exactly Newt Gingrich’s strong suit


Remember when conservative columnist George Will called Mitt Romney a “recidivist reviser of his principles”? As it happens, the veteran pundit has nothing nicer to say about Newt Gingrich, whose astounding sudden popularity in the polls recently prompted the candidate himself to say he’ll be the 2012 GOP nominee.

Study: Religious People Trust Atheists About As Much As They Do Rapists

Study: Atheist Children Are Better at Sports Than Any Other ‘Religious’ Group

Florida bishop would end health coverage rather than obey Obama contraceptive mandate

Case of counseling student forced to undergo pro-homosexual ‘sensitivity training’ goes to court

Biblical literacy and spiritual growth


As research shows the correlation between spiritual maturity and reading the Bible, one organization is addressing the significant lack of biblical literacy within the Christian community, as few Christians take time to make Bible study a daily practice.

VIDEOS: Pastor Speaks Out on Interracial Church Ban: ‘We’re Going to Get it Resolved’

Pelosi Dismisses Catholic Bishops as ‘Lobbyists’—For Opposing bamacare Reg Forcing Catholics to Act Against Faith
CITIZEN ACTION: You can join w/ me in opposing Obama Castro Care by signing in on the only citizens challenge via the link @ the bottom of the post >>>

Are You Ready for Mega-Pastor Joel Osteen‘s New Primetime ’Reality’ Show?

VIDEO: Bachmann: Gingrich, Romney Inconsistent Conservatives


The Minnesota congresswoman accuses former House speaker Newt Gingrich of being too tied to special interests, while she says that former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney is not a real conservative.

Gingrich: Life Begins at "Implantation" Not Conception

VIDEO: MSNBC's Bashir Hints Herman Cain Headed to Hell, Says He Should Resign Pastoral Post at His Church

Cain Tells Newspaper Ending Presidential Campaign Is ‘An Option’

Whitman Wants [RINO] Huntsman to Make 3rd-Party Run

Christie Todd Whitman, the former governor of New Jersey, is trying to persuade GOP presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman to run as an independent. “I would hope he would do it, frankly. He’s someone that I would support,” Whitman told Politico.

Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels, Paul Ryan, and other center-right Republicans could have built bridges and given the party a better chance of defeating Obama, argues John Avlon

 Former presidential hopeful George McGovern hospitalized in South Dakota after fall
The McGovern campaign brings back lots of memories. I was still in my teens, & the youngest volunteer coordinator in the state of NJ. On top of that, I had responsibilities for two towns. Never met George, but did meet Sargent Shriver, & his family at a volunteer pep talk.

T. J. Holmes To LAPD: Did You Want To Join Occupy Protests?
Yes T.J. cops just heart defecating on patrol cars..ya heard???

Obama and the Occupoopers

This is the image of the Obama years you'll want to keep in mind for next November. Blacks and Hispanics cleaning the leavings of rich white kids

LISTEN: 8.6% Unemployment Rate Isn’t as Good as it Sounds [Coffee and Markets]

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~~~~~ CITIZEN ACTION ~~~~~

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

~~~ [NEW] Send Faxes For Free: Fight Illegal Immigration~~~

~~~THE GRATITUDE CAMPAIGN: Show Our Troops Your Support ~~~

~~~ PETITION: Stop The WTC Mosque~~~

~~~ JOIN W/ME: On The Obamacare Class Action Law-suit ~~~

~~~NEW WEBSITE: Demand The Liberal Media Tell The Truth ~~~

PETITION: Bring Eric Holder to justice!

~~~ Sign petition to pardon Border Patrol agent~~~

~~~ JOIN W/ ME: In Lawsuit Challenge to Illegal Immigration~~~



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